Tuesday 28 June 2011

Six important tips that can save your life from food allergies

Food AllergiesFood Allergies are common as many people have allergic reaction to even normal food items. Some of the items may be allergic to one while the same item would do nothing to other. Some of these food items that cause allergies include milk, fish, eggs, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soya. These allergic conditions would range from normal sneezing or cough to a swollen or bulging throat and in some cases might even lead to death. Here are six important tips that you should follow to save your life from food allergies.
  • Take a complete test
This may prove useful to identify your body condition and the type of food items you should avoid eating. Research states that most of the children outgrow their food allergies and most adults also not taking proper care of this. It is sure than an allergist can test your body for allergies to particular food though there is no great way or method to test for food allergy says Dr. Alpen Patel of Emory University. Some of these tests include skin test, blood test and it may also have some oral food challenge tests.
  • Always carry an emergency medicine kit
Though some of the food allergies are not that serious, some may prove fatal. In many cases, allergy caused by tree nuts can lead to an anaphylactic shock. The symptoms of this shock include weak pulse, rashes in skin and also vomiting. Carrying an epinephrine injection with you would save you if in case you get these symptoms eating some peanuts or ground nuts.
  • Keep your kitchen resistant to your allergic food items
  • Food allergy can be highly contagious and sharing a kitchen of person with food allergy might induce the allergy to you as well. So maximum try to keep your kitchen resistant to these food items and do not allow them to enter your kitchen. Even if someone uses them in your kitchen clean them properly without even a slightest sample of that in your kitchen.
    • Don’t shop if it does not suit you
    Those allergic to food items must for sure read the ingredients label before you buy anything from a shop.
    • State you problem clearly when you go to a restaurant
    Eating out can be daunting with food allergies. Ceding control of what goes on your plate can be intimidating, especially when the kitchen is behind closed doors and you can’t be sure whether your waiter understands exactly what you mean by “allergic to dairy.” Still, though, learning how to eat out with food allergies can greatly expand your social possibilities and give you a much-needed break from the kitchen.
    • Check with the allergy policies with the Airline before you book your ticket in them
    Here are links to special meals of particular interest to people with food allergies and written allergy policies for major domestic airlines.

Mineral and Vitamin Supplements

Both minerals and vitamins are found in a variety of natural produce including the likes of seeds, leafy green vegetables and nuts. If you posses a calcium deficiency then look to introducing both broccoli and milk to your current diet as each of the above offer the greatest sources of the vitamin.
However, if you are unable to get enough of either through natural products then investing in a calcium supplement is your best alternative. Supplements will also help to improve the immune system, meaning fighting off various ailments and illnesses is now much more possible.
Holland & Barrett are a great venue to check out when it comes to investing in and sourcing a variety of great health food supplements and natural produce, and many of the items stocked in store often come on offer! They stock everything from skin care products, to diet pills and vitamins such as vitamin D and C.
Vitamins Supplements
If you are looking to source both vitamins and mineral supplements that boast to house an assortment of immunity boosting properties then look to the likes of calcium, iron, selenium and magnesium. All of the above are great if you wish to heighten your immune system and in turn fight off a variety of common ailments and nuisance illnesses.

Sunday 19 June 2011

You're overweight

People with psoriasis who are obese in their teens may be more likely to get psoriatic arthritis, according to a 2010 study in the Archives of Dermatology

Fat tissue may promote more circulating cytokines, the cell-signaling molecules linked to inflammation. In that study, body mass index (BMI) at age 18—but not current BMI—was linked to risk.

A previous study by the same group suggested current weight might, in fact, play a role. Still, more research is needed to prove the link.

You have psoriasis

Having the skin condition psoriasis is the biggest risk factor for developing psoriatic arthritis. Both are autoimmune disorders caused by an immune attack on the body. 

Between 5% and 10% of people with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis, so watch for joint trouble if you have the skin condition. In rare cases, some people develop psoriatic arthritis before psoriasis (or before it's obvious), says Guy Fiocco, MD, an assistant professor of medicine at the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, in Bryan.


Psoriatic arthritis risk factors

Psoriatic arthritis can't be prevented or cured, but it can be treated. It's not easy to predict who will get this painful joint condition, but if you're at risk, it makes sense to watch for early symptoms such as swollen and painful fingers and toes. 

Psoriatic arthritis symptomscan be mild or severe, depending on the individual, but either way, getting treatment sooner rather than later can help you avoid permanent joint damage.

Here are some reasons you may be at higher risk of psoriatic arthritis.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Tinted Glasses May Provide Relief from Migraine

A new research on May 27, 2011, suggested that wearing tinted lenses can reduce theMigraine Pain that is practiced by the Migraine patients. These lenses normalize the activity of the Brain.
The researcher Jie Huang, PhD, an Associate Professor of Radiology at the Michigan State University says that the patients of Migraine sufferers mostly get the pain due to the Visual Stimuli.
The further tells that these Visual Stimuli creates the discomfort and illusions that are disturbing.
The earlier studies of Jie found that vulnerability to these stimuli is due to the excess functioning of Visual Cortex in the Brain.

Understanding the Possible Effects Weight Loss Products

Weight Loss PillsThere are numerous medicines available in the market and medical stores now days for reducing weight. Many of them have been declared unfit for the human health by food and drug administration in the United States. The reason for this is the side effects of the weight loss products.

Many of the medicines give false and sometimes incomplete information about the ingredients used in the product. Some have never sought approval by the health organizations of the state like FDA.
And few use forbidden and banned ingredients and drugs in the weight loss diet supplements which are effective for reducing weight but leave incurable damages to the health of the user. Beware of such products. You will never wish to get a nice figure on the cost of diseases like: high blood pressure, heart and psychological disorders.