Tuesday 28 June 2011

Six important tips that can save your life from food allergies

Food AllergiesFood Allergies are common as many people have allergic reaction to even normal food items. Some of the items may be allergic to one while the same item would do nothing to other. Some of these food items that cause allergies include milk, fish, eggs, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soya. These allergic conditions would range from normal sneezing or cough to a swollen or bulging throat and in some cases might even lead to death. Here are six important tips that you should follow to save your life from food allergies.
  • Take a complete test
This may prove useful to identify your body condition and the type of food items you should avoid eating. Research states that most of the children outgrow their food allergies and most adults also not taking proper care of this. It is sure than an allergist can test your body for allergies to particular food though there is no great way or method to test for food allergy says Dr. Alpen Patel of Emory University. Some of these tests include skin test, blood test and it may also have some oral food challenge tests.
  • Always carry an emergency medicine kit
Though some of the food allergies are not that serious, some may prove fatal. In many cases, allergy caused by tree nuts can lead to an anaphylactic shock. The symptoms of this shock include weak pulse, rashes in skin and also vomiting. Carrying an epinephrine injection with you would save you if in case you get these symptoms eating some peanuts or ground nuts.
  • Keep your kitchen resistant to your allergic food items
  • Food allergy can be highly contagious and sharing a kitchen of person with food allergy might induce the allergy to you as well. So maximum try to keep your kitchen resistant to these food items and do not allow them to enter your kitchen. Even if someone uses them in your kitchen clean them properly without even a slightest sample of that in your kitchen.
    • Don’t shop if it does not suit you
    Those allergic to food items must for sure read the ingredients label before you buy anything from a shop.
    • State you problem clearly when you go to a restaurant
    Eating out can be daunting with food allergies. Ceding control of what goes on your plate can be intimidating, especially when the kitchen is behind closed doors and you can’t be sure whether your waiter understands exactly what you mean by “allergic to dairy.” Still, though, learning how to eat out with food allergies can greatly expand your social possibilities and give you a much-needed break from the kitchen.
    • Check with the allergy policies with the Airline before you book your ticket in them
    Here are links to special meals of particular interest to people with food allergies and written allergy policies for major domestic airlines.

Mineral and Vitamin Supplements

Both minerals and vitamins are found in a variety of natural produce including the likes of seeds, leafy green vegetables and nuts. If you posses a calcium deficiency then look to introducing both broccoli and milk to your current diet as each of the above offer the greatest sources of the vitamin.
However, if you are unable to get enough of either through natural products then investing in a calcium supplement is your best alternative. Supplements will also help to improve the immune system, meaning fighting off various ailments and illnesses is now much more possible.
Holland & Barrett are a great venue to check out when it comes to investing in and sourcing a variety of great health food supplements and natural produce, and many of the items stocked in store often come on offer! They stock everything from skin care products, to diet pills and vitamins such as vitamin D and C.
Vitamins Supplements
If you are looking to source both vitamins and mineral supplements that boast to house an assortment of immunity boosting properties then look to the likes of calcium, iron, selenium and magnesium. All of the above are great if you wish to heighten your immune system and in turn fight off a variety of common ailments and nuisance illnesses.

Sunday 19 June 2011

You're overweight

People with psoriasis who are obese in their teens may be more likely to get psoriatic arthritis, according to a 2010 study in the Archives of Dermatology

Fat tissue may promote more circulating cytokines, the cell-signaling molecules linked to inflammation. In that study, body mass index (BMI) at age 18—but not current BMI—was linked to risk.

A previous study by the same group suggested current weight might, in fact, play a role. Still, more research is needed to prove the link.

You have psoriasis

Having the skin condition psoriasis is the biggest risk factor for developing psoriatic arthritis. Both are autoimmune disorders caused by an immune attack on the body. 

Between 5% and 10% of people with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis, so watch for joint trouble if you have the skin condition. In rare cases, some people develop psoriatic arthritis before psoriasis (or before it's obvious), says Guy Fiocco, MD, an assistant professor of medicine at the Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, in Bryan.


Psoriatic arthritis risk factors

Psoriatic arthritis can't be prevented or cured, but it can be treated. It's not easy to predict who will get this painful joint condition, but if you're at risk, it makes sense to watch for early symptoms such as swollen and painful fingers and toes. 

Psoriatic arthritis symptomscan be mild or severe, depending on the individual, but either way, getting treatment sooner rather than later can help you avoid permanent joint damage.

Here are some reasons you may be at higher risk of psoriatic arthritis.

Thursday 16 June 2011

Tinted Glasses May Provide Relief from Migraine

A new research on May 27, 2011, suggested that wearing tinted lenses can reduce theMigraine Pain that is practiced by the Migraine patients. These lenses normalize the activity of the Brain.
The researcher Jie Huang, PhD, an Associate Professor of Radiology at the Michigan State University says that the patients of Migraine sufferers mostly get the pain due to the Visual Stimuli.
The further tells that these Visual Stimuli creates the discomfort and illusions that are disturbing.
The earlier studies of Jie found that vulnerability to these stimuli is due to the excess functioning of Visual Cortex in the Brain.

Understanding the Possible Effects Weight Loss Products

Weight Loss PillsThere are numerous medicines available in the market and medical stores now days for reducing weight. Many of them have been declared unfit for the human health by food and drug administration in the United States. The reason for this is the side effects of the weight loss products.

Many of the medicines give false and sometimes incomplete information about the ingredients used in the product. Some have never sought approval by the health organizations of the state like FDA.
And few use forbidden and banned ingredients and drugs in the weight loss diet supplements which are effective for reducing weight but leave incurable damages to the health of the user. Beware of such products. You will never wish to get a nice figure on the cost of diseases like: high blood pressure, heart and psychological disorders.

Sunday 12 June 2011

The Importance of Fiber in a Healthy Body Building Plan

Food and Fitness
Tags: body builder nutritionist, body building plan, fiber, fiber fruits, grains, healthy body, metabolic level, proteins
Healthy Body Building PlanFor long term success in having a healthy body fiber must play a key role. Fiber helps the body absorb and digest the nutrients and also increase the metabolic level of the body. Body builder nutritionist Lee Labrada tells all his clients about the key factor that fiber helps them with.

Whole foods are the best way through which you can expect to get nutrition into your body. That is also one of the reasons why it is better to have whole grains over normal breads. It is also a good idea to have sprouted breads or sour multigrain breads that are available than have anything else. Nutritionists promote the idea of smootheing over juicing as smoothies provide you with essential bulk and fiber that makes for a healthy body. You can expect increased circulation and a speedy metabolism to take over to provide you the bulk of fiber. Meat over vegetables has greater fibers and that is a positive point to note.
Cramming in as much food as possible for increasing your fiber intake is not at all a health option of course. So increasing your smoothie intake that has all the regular proteins, super food supplements plus some whole vegetables and fruits make for a comprehensive meal. This is also easy to make with some plans provided by your nutritionist.
Healthy  Fiber

Health Tip: Comforting Separation Anxiety

Parental-Love1No one can deny the fact that parental love is the most sensitive and appealing love that one gets in his/her life. Your mom and dad are the two persons who care for you irrespective of how old you are. It is because of this strong bonding it is often to part from them even if it is for work or going to school or even during a parental date night. Though this time interval is small it is the most painful and stressful period that can have a strong influence on one’s character and behavior. Here are a few tips from Rotary International on how to separating from your child with minimum stress to both you and your child.

Do not practice the habit of separating from your child, leaving your small ones with a sitter. This may only add fuel to the fire. The younger your child during these separations the more he/she matures and will get used to these.
All of sudden do not move away from your child for a month or so. Start separating slowly and gradually to build up the tolerance. You may be away for a gap of day or so making the child tolerant to the separation.

Make sure you choose a proper care giver and also ensure that your child is fed properly and he or she takes proper rest in your absence.
When ever possible, make you young ones in a familiar environment.
It is always a better idea to device a plan or a ritual for separating from your child. This will prove useful if things go well according to the plan.
Changing the caregiver frequently will make your child feel bad. So use the same caregiver each time you separate from child and also introduce your child in advance to the caregiver.
You must be calm and relaxed and you should not drag your good byes. It is your responsibility to convince your child that you shall be back. To achieve this you must not panic and stay steady when moving away.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive DisorderYou may be having obsessive compulsive disorder but how do you spot one? Let us face it almost everyone or the other suffers from a kind of obsession or picky nature about something or the other.

Healthcare Essential

But these are some of the sure signs which tell you that you have a severe as well as obsessive chronic ailment regarding your compulsions.
The common themes of OCD as compiled by the US Anxiety Disorders Association of America show:

  1. persistent and irrational fears about cleanliness, dirt and various signs of ailments
  2. thinking compulsively that your thoughts can bring harm to someone
  3. picking up things in a persistent manner or keeping things in a particular order which almost relates to a phobia like fanatic fashion
  4. hoarding objects of no value
  5. going on a repeated impulse to cleanse the body or the environment
  6. checking upon unplugging or turning off appliances, locked doors, bags, etc.
  7. irrational doubts and fears
  8. repeated calling of a name or a walking in the same way or through the same place repeatedly
  9. reliving conversations in head or repeating words, etc/
However, if you think that you have any of these OCD syndromes or more the best thing to do would be not to worry about it. Almost all for are OCD in some way or the other. Given our fanatically paced lifestyles OCD tends to lurk around every one or any one.
However if you think that your compulsive habits are interfering in giving you a happy and satisfied life then you can consult a clinical psychiatrist or a therapist. Mostly these are anxiety related and when we learn to vent or cope up with our anxiety syndromes we are OCD no longer. Releasing anxiety is the key here as OCD are just symptoms of deep routed anxiety and in 90% times no other mental disorder on its own.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Exercises For Health

health exercise
Year’s ago people had to work hard for finding their living means. During that time majority of people’s job was cultivation. The people who had performed office jobs and other governmental jobs were negligible. More over there were no vehicle facilities at that time as if we are experiencing nowadays. Hence people had to walk long distances for reaching their destination. The only vehicle which was common during that period was bicycles. Since walking and bicycle riding were very good body exercises there were no needs of extra exercises for those people who rely on bicycles and walking. Thus even office going people were in good health condition because of their to and fro walking and bicycle riding. But nowadays there are facilities of two wheelers, three wheelers and four wheelers in addition to regular bus services. Hence people have no need to walk even to cover short distances. Thus these advantages minimized the body exertion of people on a large scale. That is how the need of separate physical exercises aroused among people for maintaining good health condition.
Regarding various health exercises nothing is better than simple walking. On e hour walking in the morning and evening is sufficient to ensure proper health condition to people who have no physical exertion during day hours. If open place can be chosen for walking people can breathe fresh air during morning. Morning hours ensure unpolluted air in all respects. Other fitness activities similar to walking are swimming, bicycling and running at minimum speed. All these activities are capable to provide all body movement and hence they are good exercises also. Other body fitness activities are exercises, weight lifting and body building. Since all these activities are to be performed indoors the advantages of fresh cannot be enjoyed for those who prefer body building and weight lifting. But all these activities are very good for keeping good health in all respects.

Seasonal Diet For Better Health

seasonal diet
Controlling weight and caring body health should be continuous process in all aspects. Hence body caring must be in full swing in all seasons of the year irrespective of rain winter or summer. If only this can be carried out carefully, better health can be maintained. In order to achieve this successfully people must rely on seasonal healthy foods in addition to regular exercises and walking. These techniques will enable people to gain health skin as well as healthy body. Fruits and vegetables are the various food items available with respect to various seasons. If we can consume these fruits and vegetables with respect to their availability then we will be in sound health through out. Since fruits and vegetables contain minerals and vitamins in abundance, they can be considered as the better alternative for ideal balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables which are available seasonally are capable to keep man in good health all the time. More over, they can be refreshed and rejuvenated all time by taking these foods regularly.
In additional to these seasonal foods if people can take milk and eggs also, nothing extra is needed to maintain better health. Fruits and vegetables are very good supplementary food for eyes, skin, hair, bone, teeth and hemoglobin found in blood. The diet we usually consume are suitable to apply externally also. In this regard certain fruits, vegetables, vegetable juice and fruit juices are recommended to use in our body and face. Fruit juices and vegetables have certain tendencies to reduce our body heat. Hence they are highly recommended for using during summer seasons. No vegetarian foods and dishes are not suitable to develop cool in human body. Hence they are not ideal especially during summer season. In addition to these nutritive foods, people must drink enough water every day. Since water is the main constituent of human body tissues drinking enough water will enable tissues to perform better metabolic activities. Thus seasonal diet and water consumption have key roles to develop better health.

Health And Fitness

health and fitness
The importance ‘Health Fitness’ is too great. In olden times men had to work hard physically to gain their food and other living means. This had provided them enough physical exercises unknowingly. Thus, during that period the health condition of all people were in good condition. This is the reason as to why the men who lived in olden days had no illness or physical uneasiness.  But nowadays the life of men is very easy on account of the development of science and related technologies. If they have money they need not even travel for collecting their food. The currently prevailing conveniences enable men to gain everything by just making a phone call. This lazy life kept men away from the physical exercises required for their health fitness. In addition to this people prefer to eat spicy fast food items which are considered as the examples of malnutrition.   From the above mentioned facts we can understand the importance of health fitness as far as men’s wellbeing is concerned.
It is high time to think about the measures by which men can maintain their health in good condition. On account of these unrestricted life all people who are above forty are suffering from various health problems. Hyper Tension and high glucose content in blood are the main illness conquering men because of their unhealthy life. If they concentrate on daily exercises they can make their health in good condition. They need not spend majority of their time for performing these exercises. They can utilize one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening for health fitness activities. In between these two hours they can concentrate on their normal works or business. All people have been becoming fully aware abut the importance of health fitness nowadays. Hence we can expect a generation of healthy people in the near future.

Quit Smoking With Electronic Cigarettes

Quit Smoking
People are aware of the hazards associated with smoking but it is very tough for many people to quit smoking forever. It has been found that almost 90% of the people feel that smoking is not good for health but still they are not able to give-up this habit. You also want to keep yourself away from it but you are still not able to do. Isn’t it? Therefore this information is very necessary for all those people who smoke.
Electronic cigarettes which are also known as e-cigarettes are one of the newest products available in the market nowadays. The design of this cigarette is such that you feel like a real cigarette however it does not have any tobacco. It also emits artificial smoke however it does not contain any harmful chemical. You can easily see that while inhaling an e-cigarette “flow censor” activation takes place. It discharges water vapor. This water vapor contains propylene glycol and nicotine. It also contains a scent that replicates the zest of tobacco. The basic point is that your body can get your nicotine without consuming any other cancer giving agent. Some of the cancer giving agents is hydrocarbons, tar and glue. These are available in conventional cigarettes and not in an e-cigarette. You can also protect yourself from any legal issue which people face while using conventional cigarettes. These e-cigarettes are free from any legal hassles as it does not contain any tobacco. Moreover it does not harm other people around you. It offers you the same tactile sensation which smokers need. You can free your lungs from harmful smoke as the smoke of these e-cigarettes contains water vapor. These water vapors are not dangerous for your health and it evaporates quickly. Therefore use e-cigarettes if you are not able to give-up the habit of smoking. It is safe for you as well as others. You can get some more details from allelectroniccigarettereviews.com.

What is Healthy Diet

healthy diet
Healthy and nutritious foods are considered as the general medicines of human beings. If people can rely on nutritious healthy food always, then they need not fear about any unhealthy conditions in their life. Unhealthy food deposits impurities in our blood whereas nutritious and healthy food clears blood to a greater extend. An individual’s health foundation starts from his embryonic stage. That is why women are advised to take high grade nutritious food during their pregnancy stages. In addition to healthy food pregnant women should take milk and fruits daily. Milk and fruits are capable to provide essential vitamins and minerals to pregnant women. As far as these pregnant women are concerned folic acid is very important. Folic acid is one among the important vitamins and is an inevitable factor for the development of embryonic nervous system. Since brain is the first part which usually develops in a fetus the presence of folic acid in the blood of pregnant lady ensures well developed brain and nervous system to the respective embryo. Hence, the presence of folic acid in the diet of pregnant women can avoid the birth of mentally retarded children to a greater extend.
Human body needs healthy food for the proper functioning of hormonal and metabolic activities taking place. The scarcity of essential boosters to the above mentioned body functions, makes hormone deficiencies and poor metabolic growth in the body. On account of hormone deficiency and poor metabolism men usually suffer hair falling and infertility. People suffering from hair falling are advised to take egg, milk and fruits to makeup the hormone deficiency. Similarly dry fruits like Dates and Badam are advised for people suffering from infertility in addition to milk and egg. Hence to make people free from various health problems they are advised to take milk and egg in addition regular nutritious food.

How To Reduce Fat & Live Healthy Life

belly fat
In these days people are forced to live in a very fast moving life. In today’s life style people have to travel long distances for their work places and return home by evening. In the midst of the fastness people usually forget to think deeply about their food. The often take foods which are easily available and consumable. They never concentrate on the quality of the food they have to take. Thus in the mean time, they may be forced to take even fast foods to quench their hunger. Fast foods are prepared with high fat content and certain taste makers which are poisonous to the human body. Moreover these fast foods have no nutritional value at all. Hence they are totally harmful to human body. The constituents in the fast food and their cooking media are favorable to increase the body weight of the consumer. Hence those who are willing to control their body weight by reducing the fat consumption must avoid fast food in all respects. Homely foods are highly desirable for a healthy body.
Another way to reduce excess fat for maintaining good health is to consume balanced diet. Balanced diets are foods which contain all essential nutrients with high nutritive value. In this diet all essential elements are found in proper concentration. Hence balanced need not be taken too much. A minimum quantity of balanced diet is suitable to support a healthy body. Hence consuming balanced is the ideal way to control excess fat in taking. Foods having low calorific value with high fiber content is very good far a reduced fatty diet. Oats is the ideal food which is highly recommended in this category. Oats are grains which have very low calorific value comparing to other foods available. The cholesterol content in oats is determined as zero. The fibers in oats work as sponges and absorb fat content present in human body tissues. Hence oats are very good low fatty food for maintaining good health.

Introduction to Health

The general condition of a person I all aspect is called as health. It is also the metabolic efficiency or functional level of an organism, often essentially human. In1948, during the creation of the World Health Organization [who], health was defined as “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. In the first six decades of evolution of health only a few publications had concentrated particularly on the definition of health. During the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in 1986 the WHO said that health is “a resource for everyday life, not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities.” Classification systems such as the WHO Family of International Classifications [WHO-FIC], which is composed of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health [ICF] and the International Classification of Diseases [ICD] also define health. Overall health is achieved through a combination of physical, mental, and social well-being, which, together is commonly referred to as the Health Triangle.
The process of implementing healthy measures is not at all an expensive act. But it is too complicated as far as individuals are concerned. To make people aware about these safety measures and various programs are not an easy job. For the success of any such programs the cooperation of people is an inevitable factor. Getting support from the public for all such programs are very difficult. If the public have full confidence on these programs they will definitely support all ventures organizing by the authorities. To introduce their programs successfully the authorities must be able to win the confidence from the public. If public support is available other obstacles can be sorted out very easily. In this way very good health programs can be implemented so safely.

Tuesday 24 May 2011

10 Symptoms of Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a disease that slowly develops in the brain that diminishes the memory eventually causing disturbance in planning, language and reasoning.
Alzheimer’s disease mostly affects the people after the age of 70 and almost 50% of people over the age of 85 are affected due to it. Some people live up to the age of 100 and never get Alzheimer’s disease
The Alzheimer’s Association has made a list of following list of warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease. If anyone shows the following symptoms, he/she should see a physician for complete checkup.
  1. Loss of memory.
  2. Difficulty in performing well-known tasks.
  3. Problems with language.
  4. Not recognition of time and place.
  5. Poor judgment.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Six easy tips to keep your skin looking young and healthy and saving too

Healthy Glowing Skin TipsAre you concerned about your skin and not sure what to do? Are you confused as to which of the thousands of skin products being marketed you should use? You don’t have to spend an arm and a leg to keep your skin glowing and healthy. Many high priced products simply can’t justify their price tag. Here are six tips that will save you money and will help keep your skin young and healthy.
Most skin problems are due to lack of moisture causing dryness and chapping. This and can be easily treated:

Sun exposure

Your eyes aren’t all that suffers under the sun’s powerful rays. So does your skin. Too much sun exposure will dry your skin causing wrinkles. Keeping your skin soft and smooth while outside is easy when you apply sunscreen or moisturizing lotion of a minimum SPF 15 rate.

Beauty sleep

Here’s a tip that’s easy to do. Be sure to get a full night’s sleep on a regular basis. A solid eight hour sleep time is Mother Nature’s way of recharging your battery. During this time your body is able to reset from the previous days activates. Your body fluids and vessels are restored and muscles are re-energized.


Insomnia and backaches aren’t the only health problems linked to stress. Stress can be a major reason you are concerned about your skin.  Stress produces an upsurge in the production and release of adrenaline in the bloodstream. Adrenaline is hormone that is secreted by the adrenal medulla in response to stress and increases heart rate, pulse rate, and blood pressure, and raises the blood levels of glucose and lipids. Too much stress can result into acne breakouts, dry skin, rashes and hives. This can be treated simply by taking long relaxing showers or baths and by applying a moisturizing lotion immediately after showering or bathing. Dry skin makes wrinkles more noticeable. Do your best to manage stress within your life.


If breathing and being in the sun are such risky propositions, how can you be sure that your body has sufficient antioxidant reserves to ward off free radical attacks? The best way is to review your diet. Make sure you are eating a plant-based diet that’s rich in fruits and vegetables.” Fruits and vegetables contain an abundance of natural antioxidants, particularly vitamin C and E and beta-carotene as well as toxins of other free radical fighting compounds. It is recommended that you balance your intake of proteins from a variety of lean meat, fish, nuts, cheeses and yogurts.


Caution, house cleaning can be dangerous to your health. Harsh household cleansers loaded with toxic chemicals can easily take a toll on your skin’s youthfulness. When purchasing cleaning supplies, choose household cleansers containing natural ingredients


Are you drinking enough water? There are a large percentage of people today experiencing skin problems simply because they aren’t hydrating enough. Make sure you consume a minimum of a 24 oz container full of water daily. In addition keep your consumption of caffeine to a minimum.

By following these six simple tips you’ll be able to reduce your budget for personal care products and more importantly you’ll have younger looking skin.

Saturday 14 May 2011

How Does Exercise Improve Mental Health?

We know that exercise has positive effects on the brain. Researchers at Duke University demonstrated several years ago that exercise has antidepressant properties. Other research has shown that exercise can improve the brain functioning of the elderly and may even protect against dementia. How does exercise improve mental health?
One theory for some of the benefits of exercise include the fact that exercise triggers the production of endorphins. These natural opiates are chemically similar to morphine. They may be produced as natural pain relievers in response to the shock that the body receives during exercise. However, researchers are beginning to question whether endorphins improve mood. Studies are showing that the body's metabolism of endorphins is complex, and there are likely additional mechanisms involved in the mental health effects of exercise.
Some studies have found that exercise boosts activity in the brain's frontal lobes and the hippocampus. We don't really know how or why this occurs. Animal studies have found that exercise increases levels of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. These neurotransmitters have been associated with elevated mood, and it is thought that antidepressant medications also work by boosting these chemicals.
Exercise has also been found to increase levels of "brain-derived neurotrophic factor" (BDNF). This substance is thought to improve mood, and it may play a role in the beneficial effects of exercise. BDNF's primary role seems to be to help brain cells survive longer, so this may also explain some of the beneficial effects of exercise on dementia.
The bottom line is that most of us feel good after exercise. Physical exercise is good for our mental health and for our brains. Someday we will understand it all better -- but we can start exercising today.

The wonder exercise equipment

Exercise balls are the latest inventions in all the exercise equipments. It is very attractive because of its different colors and its shape. The real benefit of these balls is as substitute of support during exercise.
Exercise balls can be used in all exercise groups. These are core stability, cardiovascular workouts, and rehabilitation exercises.
Working out with the ball helps in strengthening and toning all major muscles in the body. It is best if you use it for yoga positions, working on heavy-duty weight training equipment or using dumbbells in toning your muscles because of its soft texture.
The best thing about the ball is that it can maintain its shape even if it is under pressure. It can take heavy loads without affecting its shape. The advantage of using this is it provides soft yet firm support that will not harm your body. The documentation in the ball will provide information on how much weight the ball will hold.
The exercise ball comes with different colors and finishes. You can get a ball that matches the color of your room or house. You can even choose the ball that best fits your style. Storage for the ball is very simple. You can roll it under your bed or table. You can even play the ball with your kids. Because of its soft texture, the ball will do no harm to your kids. You can play ball games using the ball and indirectly do extra exercise.
The ball can also be used for physiotherapy treatment. These balls can help you get rid of spinal disorders and backache. The adjustment of balance and small range movement of the spine induced by exercising with the ball can help reduce backache. You can feel relief after a back pain if you try using the exercise ball.
The swill ball exercise can help the people restore their movement after experiencing back pain. It is a very simple way of removing the effects of back pain. Using the ball can help improve muscle strength, can provide greater flexibility, and can give wide range of motion of the spine during the treatment.

Uric Acid Diet

Uric acid diet is a natural remedy to cure gout (joint inflammation). To know exactly which foods come under uric acid diet list, read on...
Uric Acid Diet
Uric acid diet is commonly prescribed for the treatment of gout. As we all know, presence of surplus uric acid in blood, triggers gout, a condition that causes inflammation of joints, leading to severe pain. Uric acid that naturally occurs in our body is the result of metabolism of two substances; proteins and purines. In most cases, the condition specifically targets the big toe, but it can also affect the knees, wrists and hands. In order to combat gout, it is essential to considerably minimize protein and purine intake, which is nothing but diet rich in uric acid. Read more on foods to avoid with gout.

Uric Acid Diet

Uric acid diet involves exclusion of certain foods, that are known to worsen the gout problem. Staying away from such foods, can reduce joint inflammation and help get rid of gout. Avoiding foods that raise uric acid levels in blood, is a simple way to ease pain naturally. Foods that should be avoided are explained below:

Alcohol, if consumed even in small quantities, can contribute to worsening of gout. This is because analysis of any alcoholic beverage (beer, wine, etc.), has shown that these drinks contain high levels of purine, thus increasing uric acid content in the body. So a person drinking alcohol, during this joint inflammation condition is indirectly 'hitting an axe on his own leg', as it can aggravate the joint pain.

Protein Rich Foods
High protein foods being rich in purines, should not be included in uric acid diet. Fish, poultry products (chicken), eggs, etc. are some of the foods that come under the list of protein rich foods. Even vegetables like spinach, broccoli, lentils, avocados and asparagus are found to be very rich in proteins, hence must be avoided.

Foods High in Sugar
People who think that drinking soft drinks is one of the ways of getting rid of uric acid through urine, are completely wrong. This is because soft drinks contain high amounts of sugar, and recent studies suggest that people consuming sweetened carbonated soft drinks have a very high probability of suffering from gout attacks. Sweetened fruit juice, high sugary foods such as cakes and pastries, as well as fructose rich fruits (oranges) can worsen the pre-existing joint pain.

What to Include in Uric Acid Diet

Foods that reduce uric acid levels in the body, need to be consumed on a daily basis. Indulging in low purine foods, will help in controlling this condition. These foods form an integral part of low uric acid diet.

High Potassium Foods
A diet high in potassium is another effective way to ease discomfort associated with gout. Studies show that sufficient potassium intake can boost uric acid excretion. One of the best sources of potassium are bananas and tomatoes. Read more on foods high in potassium.

Dairy Products
Gout sufferers should be very careful in choosing dairy products. Low fat cheese and yogurt as well as skimmed milk are some dairy products that can help combat gout.

Cherries contain high amounts of vitamin C and potassium, which help in reducing uric acid levels in the body. Anthocyanins, a natural flavonoid, is found in high quantities in cherries which bear anti-inflammatory properties and thus help in reducing pain and swelling. Drinking cherry juice can also help in relieving pain. Read more on
  • Cherry Juice for Gout
  • Cherries and Gout
To encourage elimination of uric acid, drinking plenty of water is crucial. Increasing water intake will help the body to flush off excess uric acid through urine. This is one of the best home remedies that can work wonders to decrease gout symptoms.

To know more about uric acid diet, read
  • Gout Diet
  • Gout - Natural Remedies
  • Foods High in Uric Acid
  • Gout Treatment Diet
Along with uric acid diet, one should ensure that body weight does not increase. Losing excess kilos and maintaining a healthy weight is necessary to manage gout pain. Studies show that being overweight increases joint related problems. Exercise, such as walking, can help to improve flexibility in joints as well as reduce weight.

Yogurt Benefits

There are several yogurt benefits that one can speak of. In the following article we will go through a list of these yogurt benefits so that you can switch over to a healthier choice in life.
Yogurt Benefits
Yogurt has got to be one of the most underrated products in our society. Sure most of us have had it at sometime or the other in our lives and we even like it for what it is (maybe the scores of flavors that have developed have something to do with it?), but here's something that'll make you view yogurt in a completely different way - yogurt is a powerhouse of health. So 'is yogurt good for you?' Yes it is! For the staggering amount of health benefits that it provides for, yogurt is surely one of the most easiest and healthiest choice that you can make for yourself. Yogurt has a positive effect on varied bodily functions and benefits the human system at all levels. Plus it doesn't hurt that it tastes good. What are these yogurt benefits that we can choose from? In the following article, we will look through some of these yogurt benefits and urge you to switch over to this amazing product.

Benefits of Yogurt

There are several yogurt health benefits to choose from and when you've gone through this list, you'll know just how versatile this product is and how it helps in so many ways. Given below are some of the best yogurt advantages that you can use.

Digestive Health and Immunity
Yogurt is made up of live cultures, which means that it has the inclusion of probiotics or the good bacteria. These bacteria live in the digestive tract and help in keeping the harmful microorganisms that feed off food and cause problems with digestion and the like away. Therefore yogurt helps in improving ones digestive health. And while it kills off all the harmful bacteria and fungi, it also prevents the onset of other diseases and infections that these bacteria can cause. Thereby leading to a stronger immune system.

Heart Health
One of the other benefits of yogurt is that it also promotes heart health by lowering blood pressure and bad cholesterol and increasing the good cholesterol in the body. Therefore it places less strain on the functioning of the heart. Yogurt has the unique ability of flushing out the sodium build up in the body and thereby lowers the chances of heart conditions and strokes.

Weight Loss
This is one of the most significant of all yogurt benefit, surely. It has been found that the consumption of a yogurt diet leads to an increase in calcium in the body. High levels of calcium and amino acids in the body are said to act against body fat. Yogurt by itself leads to significant fat loss by acting upon the accumulated fat and melting it. Yogurt signals the body to produce less cortisol (which is responsible for accumulating fat cells) and thereby helps further. Along with that, frozen yogurt benefits also include that fact that it helps you feel fuller and therefore eat less.

Skin Care
The several yogurt benefits for skin lie in the fact that yogurt can be used both internally as well as externally. Since yogurt helps in improving digestion, it leads to a cleansing of the system and therefore prevents skin infections and other problems. Along with that, yogurt can be applied to the skin surface for providing smooth and supple skin, treating sunburned skin, relieve itchiness and several others.

Other Yogurt Benefits
There are several other yogurt benefits that one can choose from. Here are some of them:
  • Yogurt nutrition facts state that it contains high levels of vitamins, potassium, folic acid, protein, zinc, iodine etc.
  • Since yogurt contains calcium, it helps a person develop stronger teeth and bones and thereby helps in preventing osteoporosis.
  • It provides for a boost of regular energy throughout the day due to the protein that it contains.
  • Yogurt helps the in treating yeast infections in women because of the live cultures that it contains (yogurt for yeast infection).
  • Yogurt provides great dental care by helping in preventing a variety of problems like bad breath, plaque, cavities, tongue-coating bacteria and the like.
These were the varied yogurt benefits that have been cited in the following article. These will help you realize just how beneficial yogurt really is and why it should be made a part of your daily diet. So either one learns how to make yogurt or finds a good commercial product, the fact is that yogurt is going to prove to be a great choice. So then? When are you making the switch?

Friday 13 May 2011

Your Health and Insurance

Americans keep getting bigger and bigger. The Trust For Americans Health fourth annual obesity report, reveals in the past year, obesity rates have gone up in 31 states and no states had shrinking rates. Also 2/3 of U.S. adults are overweight or obese, 60% of the population in 32 states is overweight or obese.

Overweight and diseases linked to obesity along with insurance premiums and the number of uninsured Americans is also going up. Heart disease ( number 1 killer in America ), diabetes and cancer are preventable obesity related diseases.

2.2 million more people are without insurance since 2006, bringing the total to 47 million in the U.S.A. Health insurance expenditures for a family of four are up 87% since 2000 claims AARP.

Sedentary lifestyles and poor diet are causing devastating illness and premature death. Exercising and forming good eating habits can help prevent the diseases that are overwhelming families by restoring your heart and body with nutritional foods and physical activities to get the blood circulating.

Health insurance companies can have some strict guidelines that will determine your premiums and deductibles. Some of these guidelines will include preexisting conditions and if you don't have insurance you could be declined or the premiums will be out of reach. Health insurance rates are also being effected by the high rise in obesity linked illness.

Obese children rates are now at epidemic levels with one in five being overweight or obese. Corporate junk food advertising and busy parents not monitoring their kids physical daily activities and nutritional intake is having an overwhelming negative effect on their lives and chances of leading a good healthy existence into their young adult lives. Kids are growing up and dying of heart disease before they reach forty years old.

If everyone would take responsibility for their families wellness and start living by new healthy diets and physically active rules, it would be just like taking out an extra insurance policy free of charge.

People who have sedentary jobs or lead an inactive lifestyle are at the most risk, but it's not to late to start regardless of your weight or age. Form good eating habits and stop all poor eating habits by avoiding saturated fats found in fatty meat, ice cream, whole milk, butter, plus trans fats found in cookies, donuts,cakes and junk food, soda pop ( less sugars,) fast food restaurants,(cook at home more) and eat in moderation. .

The World Health Organization states there is evidence that, on a population level, the risk of chronic diseases, increases progressively as average body mass index (BMI) increases above 21. WHO defines overweight as 25 or more,, and obesity 30 or more. This is determined by a persons weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of his or her height (in meters). A high body mass index is a major risk factor for a number of chronic diseases., including cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.

Television is one of biggest factors facing inactive persons. So many hours are spent sitting and snacking in front of the TV everyday, becoming overweight and lathargic is the result. Turn part of your tube time into workout time with some jumping jacks, aerobics, or any rousing heart pumping routines you like while you enjoy your program.

With the climb of health care cost and the risk of loosing a job or days off due to illness, or obesity preventing you from getting decent employment, and employers looking for ways to pass the cost to employees, you need to take as many preventive measures as possible for you and your family . The important thing is to get started and make these changes a part of your everyday life for the rest of your life, so you can avoid financial and medical catastrophy.

How you run your life will determine the wellness of you and your family. Start a quality nutrition a

How to Care Your Body in Summer

During summer “Kairali” provides special ayurveda programmes to rejuvenate you completely from head to toe. Special herbal oils are prepared to give the head a very cooling effect. Oils like Kairali’s hair oil named “KAIROIL” when applied improves circulation and detoxifies of the scalp. This is very essential during summers. This cool oil nourishes the hair roots and hair, retrieves mental fatigue, and helps to enhance mental clarity, focus and balance the emotions.

During summer a course of “Thalapothichil” is highly recommended as an ideal treatment for hair. One could also avail “Thakradhara”. Both these treatments base is made of medicated buttermilk and Amla, together they provide absolute bliss by helping one sleep and keep ones head cool.

Kairali’s offers various Body care packages during summer. One of the best on offer is a very special programme of 7 to 14 days called “Navarakizhi” ie. It is a treatment in which the body is massaged with small linen bags filled with cooked Navara Rice, after which a liberal application of medicated oils like “Kairkare”is applied. It exfoliates dull dry skin to retain its youthful appearance, eliminates dead skin cells leaving the skin feeling soft, moisturized and looking radiant.

Another important aspect we should take care of is our eyes especially during summers. Eyewash with herbal decoctions is highly recommended. “Triphla” decoction is one of the best during the period.

These external medicated treatments are more like giving exercise to the body with the right medium or oils and thereby strengthening the immune system.

When it comes to following the norms of Ayurveda during summer, diet is a very important aspect. One should avoid eating heavy & toxic forming foods. Food has to be light and wholesome. The diet should contain many leafy vegetables and fruits. Leafy vegetables like – Agate, Amaranth (Red & Green), Coriander, Drumstick leaves, fenugreek leaves, mint, pumpkin leaves, Radish leaves, spinach etc. are very good if taken daily. Seasonal fruits available are recommended. Too much of coffee, Tea and aerated drinks should be avoided.

Irregular eating habits especially while on tours or travelling must be avoided as far as possible. Fried food too is to be avoided, as it would cause adverse effects to the body. Wrong diet is the main factor for disease. Food needs to be easily digestible to prevent unwanted deposits and excess toxins in the body.