Friday 13 May 2011

Your Health and Insurance

Americans keep getting bigger and bigger. The Trust For Americans Health fourth annual obesity report, reveals in the past year, obesity rates have gone up in 31 states and no states had shrinking rates. Also 2/3 of U.S. adults are overweight or obese, 60% of the population in 32 states is overweight or obese.

Overweight and diseases linked to obesity along with insurance premiums and the number of uninsured Americans is also going up. Heart disease ( number 1 killer in America ), diabetes and cancer are preventable obesity related diseases.

2.2 million more people are without insurance since 2006, bringing the total to 47 million in the U.S.A. Health insurance expenditures for a family of four are up 87% since 2000 claims AARP.

Sedentary lifestyles and poor diet are causing devastating illness and premature death. Exercising and forming good eating habits can help prevent the diseases that are overwhelming families by restoring your heart and body with nutritional foods and physical activities to get the blood circulating.

Health insurance companies can have some strict guidelines that will determine your premiums and deductibles. Some of these guidelines will include preexisting conditions and if you don't have insurance you could be declined or the premiums will be out of reach. Health insurance rates are also being effected by the high rise in obesity linked illness.

Obese children rates are now at epidemic levels with one in five being overweight or obese. Corporate junk food advertising and busy parents not monitoring their kids physical daily activities and nutritional intake is having an overwhelming negative effect on their lives and chances of leading a good healthy existence into their young adult lives. Kids are growing up and dying of heart disease before they reach forty years old.

If everyone would take responsibility for their families wellness and start living by new healthy diets and physically active rules, it would be just like taking out an extra insurance policy free of charge.

People who have sedentary jobs or lead an inactive lifestyle are at the most risk, but it's not to late to start regardless of your weight or age. Form good eating habits and stop all poor eating habits by avoiding saturated fats found in fatty meat, ice cream, whole milk, butter, plus trans fats found in cookies, donuts,cakes and junk food, soda pop ( less sugars,) fast food restaurants,(cook at home more) and eat in moderation. .

The World Health Organization states there is evidence that, on a population level, the risk of chronic diseases, increases progressively as average body mass index (BMI) increases above 21. WHO defines overweight as 25 or more,, and obesity 30 or more. This is determined by a persons weight (in kilograms) divided by the square of his or her height (in meters). A high body mass index is a major risk factor for a number of chronic diseases., including cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diabetes.

Television is one of biggest factors facing inactive persons. So many hours are spent sitting and snacking in front of the TV everyday, becoming overweight and lathargic is the result. Turn part of your tube time into workout time with some jumping jacks, aerobics, or any rousing heart pumping routines you like while you enjoy your program.

With the climb of health care cost and the risk of loosing a job or days off due to illness, or obesity preventing you from getting decent employment, and employers looking for ways to pass the cost to employees, you need to take as many preventive measures as possible for you and your family . The important thing is to get started and make these changes a part of your everyday life for the rest of your life, so you can avoid financial and medical catastrophy.

How you run your life will determine the wellness of you and your family. Start a quality nutrition a

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